Two new papers published
We are pleased to announce the publication of two new papers from the lab! González-Rivero, M., A.R. Harborne, A. Herrera-Reveles, Y.-M....

Chasing Coral panel discussion
On August 29th, The Age of Aquarius Club, FIU School of Environment, Arts and Society and Miami Waterkeeper presented a showing of...

Alastair Harborne presents at FSBI 2017!
In July 2017, Alastair presented a talk entitled "Multiple effects of climate change on the ecology and behaviour of fishes on Pacific...
Presentation in the Florida Keys
On May 19th, Alastair Harborne gave a talk entitled "The effects of environmental change on coral reef fishes" as part of the Ocean Life...
New paper on fish carbonates!
Alastair Harborne collaborated with colleagues at the University of Exeter (UK) that lead to the publishing a paper in Scientific Reports...
Institute for Water and Environment becomes a preeminent program at FIU
TFEL is one of many labs that are within the Institute for Water and Environment (InWE) at FIU, and recently InWE was announced as one of...
Alastair Harborne talks about reducing plastic in the ocean
Alastair Harborne comments on the development of biodegradable six pack rings to reduce plastic in the ocean in this article for Earth911.
New paper in Ecology published
Alastair Harborne's new, co-authored paper on the effects of exposure on larval and ontogenetic connectivity is now online in Ecology!...
Alastair Harborne conference presentation
In June, Alastair Harborne presented a talk at the recent International Coral Reef Symposium in Hawaii. The conference was a great...
New paper published
A paper co-authored by TFEL PI Alastair Harborne has just been published and is open access: Cordeiro, C.A.M.M., T.C. Mendes, A.R....